Welcome to McMillan Running
Your Full Package of Benefits & Features
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-calendar” icon_size=”40″ icon_color=”#f16a29″ icon_animation=”pulse” title=”INDIVIDUALIZED TRAINING PLANS” pos=”top”]Scientifically-based, athlete-proven training plans that are individualized to you, your unique traits and your goals. Plus, every plan is flexible and adjustable to fit into your busy life.[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-user” icon_size=”40″ icon_color=”#f16a29″ icon_animation=”pulse” title=”COACH GREG AT YOUR SERVICE” pos=”top”]As you train, questions always arise. You’ll love having Coach Greg and the McMillan coaching staff at the ready to answer your questions. They’ll help you stay on track for your goals.[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-medkit” icon_size=”40″ icon_color=”#f16a29″ icon_animation=”pulse” title=”PREHAB ROUTINES INCLUDED” pos=”top”]Tired of being injured? McMillan plans include “prehab” routines. Just click the link in your plans and voila, your prehab routine for that day walks you through the session.[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-line-chart” icon_size=”40″ icon_color=”#f16a29″ icon_animation=”pulse” title=”OPTIMIZE EVERY RUN” pos=”top”]With McMillan, you are taught not just what to do but how to do it and why you are doing it. This provides the confidence that you are on the right track and because the training plans are built to adapt as your fitness changes and with your life schedule, you can easily adjust each run to get optimal results.[/bsf-info-box]
[ultimate_info_banner banner_title=”Free Trial” banner_desc=”(Yeah, you read that right)” button_text=”START TRAINING” button_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mcmillanrunning.com%2Frun-team-sign-up%2F|||” info_effect=”fadeIn” button_color=”#f16a29″ button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_text_hover_color=”#000000″ title_color=”#ffffff” ib3_background=”#000000″ title_font_size=”desktop:60px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:14px;” button_font_size=”desktop:20px;”]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-list-alt” icon_size=”40″ icon_color=”#f16a29″ icon_animation=”pulse” title=”EASY TO USE TRAINING CALENDAR” pos=”top”]The McMillan training system is powered by a runner-friendly website and app that allows you to get your training at any time on any device. You can even have your workouts emailed or text to you. Plus, you can download your runs from your watch into the calendar for easy tracking and logging.[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-group users” icon_size=”40″ icon_color=”#f16a29″ icon_animation=”fadeIn” title=”ACCOUNTABILITY” pos=”top”]McMillan keeps you motivated and advancing. You’ll love the accountability of having your training easily laid out for each week and your coach and online teammates helping you stay on track for your goals.[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”stopwatches-stopwatch2″ icon_size=”40″ icon_color=”#f16a29″ icon_animation=”fadeIn” title=”YOUR OPTIMAL TRAINING PACES” pos=”top”]The McMillan Running Calculator is considered the “gold standard” the world over. McMillan training plans incorporate your McMillan paces and, your paces automatically advance as you move toward your goal race.[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-trophy” icon_size=”40″ icon_color=”#f16a29″ icon_animation=”fadeIn” title=”CONFIDENCE & TRUST” pos=”top”]McMillan training provides a purpose for each and every run as well as goal pace targets across your training plan. This builds your mind and your body and your confidence skyrockets for your race.[/bsf-info-box]

Jen M.
“I am happy to report a shiny new PR in the half marathon! I loved each and every day of my training.”

Julie B.
“I felt like I had wings. The plan has been so easy to follow. I have been injury-free now for 7 weeks and couldn’t be happier.”

Bonnie L.
“I’ve tried them all and McMillan is the best of the best.”
It Gets Even Better!
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-spoon” icon_size=”40″ icon_color=”#f16a29″ icon_animation=”fadeIn” title=”NUTRITION” pos=”top”]McMillan shows you how to eat better and obtain and maintain an optimal body composition. You’ll learn about race fueling and you can even access our meal plans.[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-lightbulb-o” icon_size=”40″ icon_color=”#f16a29″ icon_animation=”fadeIn” title=”BRAIN TRAINING” pos=”top”]From motivation to mental toughness to confidence and allowing your greatness to come out, McMillan training doesn’t just train your body. You’ll harness the power of your brain to reach your goals.[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-envelope-o” icon_size=”40″ icon_color=”#f16a29″ icon_animation=”fadeIn” title=”WEEKLY CHECK-IN EMAIL FROM COACH GREG” pos=”top”]McMillan training may be virtual but you are not alone. Each week, Coach Greg will send you an email to check in and see how you’re doing and answer any questions you have.[/bsf-info-box]
What Athletes are Saying
[cl-review quote=”I love that the program is dynamic because it’s vital to me that my plan will adjust to my personal needs and improvements so that I’m not wasting my time doing workouts that aren’t giving me 100% benefit. Daniel C.” author=”” occupation=”” type=”quote” layout=”clean”][cl-review quote=”Greg takes time to explain the reason you’re doing it, gives advice on the state of mind you need to be in and how to achieve it, understands that sometimes life gets in the way and how to work around it, and comforts you after the bad races/workouts and how insignificant they are overall. And, being able to bounce a thought off Greg about tweaking a plan, or a race strategy, or setting a goal has been very useful. Patrick C.” author=”” occupation=”” type=”quote” layout=”clean”][cl-review quote=”I implemented some of my own training plans gathered from my internet searches, but they just didn’t seem like they were getting me anywhere. I felt like I wanted a plan that had been put together by people who knew what they were doing. So I finally went for it and I have gained more than I expected! Renee G.” author=”” occupation=”” type=”quote” layout=”clean”][cl-review quote=”The moral support I am getting from other runners is very vital. Feels like a large happy family with very different goals but the same shared love for running. I am here to stay and very happy about it. Mathias J.” author=”” occupation=”” type=”quote” layout=”clean”][cl-review quote=”I like the wide selection of training plans and the fact that there are multiple versions of the training plans to suit runners with different strengths. James B. ” author=”” occupation=”” type=”quote” layout=”clean”][cl-review quote=”The plans are flexible and grounded in solid training principles. Coach is easily accessible and gives sound advice. Plus, the supportive community brings me as close to being on a team as is possible online. I recommend the run team to anyone I discuss running with (which is pretty much everyone), and am so glad to be a part of this group. Craig T.” author=”” occupation=”” type=”quote” layout=”clean”][cl-review quote=”The plans work and there is enough variety in the different plans to keep it interesting! I like that Greg empowers us to fit the plan to our lives and teaches us how to think in making those adjustments. Ramona M.” author=”” occupation=”” type=”quote” layout=”clean”]