Video On-Demand: Run with Your Body; Race with Your Mind


Peak performance involves a fit body and a fit mind. Get both right and you can perform your absolute best on race day.

In Run with Your Body; Race with Your Mind, top-level sport psychologist Dr. Stan Beecham offers an implementable and maintainable way to achieve the right mental state for your best training and racing. And, it’s easier than you think.

Dr. Stan covers:

Goal Setting: Are you selling yourself short?

How to race your race, not just run your race. Get your mind in an optimal state and you will shave seconds, even minutes, off your times.

Overcome mental barriers. Elite performers think differently. Learn how they think and how you can tap into a peak performance mindset.

Whether you’re a new runner, high school runner or coach, age grouper or elite athlete, Run with Your Body; Race with Your Mind is a must-have resource for reaching your full potential.

Over 1 hour of Dr. Stan’s teachings for just $9.99!