Katie McGee McMillan Staff Coaching

  • Katie McGee has been competing as a national class road racer for nearly twenty years.
  • As a mother of three and full-time teacher, she understands the desire to compete at the highest level.
  • She is currently enjoying success as a master’s competitor and is hoping to qualify for her fourth Olympic Trials Marathon.
  • Throughout her coaching career, Katie has trained a wide range of athletes. She has coached junior high and high school runners, beginners just hoping to complete a 5 or 10K race, first time and veteran marathon and half–marathoners, and Boston Marathon qualifiers.

What I provide:
Daily Check ins
Weekly Calls
Custom Training Plans

All for just $199.99 per month

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Annika Braun McMillan Staff Coaching
James Bonnett McMillan Staff Coaching

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