Master’s Marathon Training Plan Level 4 Endurance Monster


This plan is designed for Master athletes of ages 40+. These athletes may be veteran runners or first time runners. As we grow as runners we have to adapt our training accordingly. More recovery, a bit more cross training, and a little bit more time for your training to adapt to your body. For recovery days you will have optional off or cross training that can include elliptical, cycling, swimming, rowing, etc. Workouts will also be in order to have your bigger workouts at the end of your 3 week cycle to allow you to recover at your best on that 4th recovery week.

Quick Facts:

-Length: 10-16 weeks
-Runs per week: 5
-Key/Hard Workouts per week: 1-2
-Cross-training days per week: 2
-Garmin Structured Workout Compatible
-McMillan Calculator paces integrated into all workouts
-Geared towards the Combo type of runner
Weekly mileage = 40-60 miles per week (65-100 kilometers per week)*
*based on an average training pace of 8:00 min/mi (5:00 min/km)
NOTE: Each run includes a range of duration/distance and pace so actual mileage may vary.

Plan includes:

-All the best tried and true McMillan marathon workouts geared towards combo runners
-Goal pace predictor workouts to dial in your goal pace
-Progressive long runs to increase your endurance
-Stamina-boosting marathon specialty workouts
-Predictor workouts to determine your best pace for race day
-Gradual pace advancement through the training plan to keep you optimally challenged
-Workout swapping – flexibility to move runs around based on your life schedule
-Built-in injury prevention and strength training routines to perform in sync with your running workouts
-Form drills to improve your speed and efficiency


-Be able to run 50-60 minutes on your regular runs and at least 90 minutes on your long runs.

Need more weeks? Try these plans!

-Base Training Plan: adds up to 8 weeks (Recommended)
-Hill Module: adds up to 6 weeks (opt.)
-Speed Module: adds up to 6 weeks (opt.)
-Marathon Training Plan: 10-16 weeks (see above description)